
Some Consciences are More Equal than Others

Resolution from the Upper Iowa River Conference Spring Assembly, February 14, 2010

Whereas the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a constitutionally governed organization served by constitutionally elected leaders at both the synod and church wide levels, and

Whereas the stated purposes of the organization known as Lutheran CORE are to 1) bring forth a proposal for a new Lutheran church body governed by a new constitution for those who choose to leave the ELCA, and 2) to plan for the continuation of Lutheran CORE as a free-standing synod for all Lutherans, and

Whereas it is an inherent conflict of interest for individuals who are members of CORE to fully and wholeheartedly support the ELCA constitution,

Be it Resolved that: 1) all rostered and lay leaders who are members of CORE and are currently serving in elected positions in the  NE Iowa Synod be required to resign from those positions, and that 2) all rostered and lay individuals currently holding membership in CORE be disqualified from election to positions of leadership within the NEIA Synod.

Submitted by the Upper Iowa River Conference of the NEIA Synod — ELCA Voted on at conference assembly, February 14, 2010

One hardly knows where to begin.  For years GoodSoil, Lutherans Concerned North America (LCNA) and Reconciling in Christ (RIC) have been busily at work in the ELCA, especially in congregations, seeking and getting support from pastors and laity.  In all that time never once has Call to Faithfulness or anyone associated with Call to Faithfulness ever suggested that those who support GoodSoil, LCNA or RIC should be removed from leadership in their respective synods.  We encouraged the dialogue that we were told needed to take place so the ELCA could be a ‘diverse and inclusive’ church.  So we talked and we listened.  We went to conferences, to synod assemblies seeking to find a path that all could travel into that bright future the advocates of change were describing.  We were assured that ‘structured flexibility’ would be the shape of the new and improved ELCA where all voices would be heard.  We were promised that the ‘bound consciences’ of all would be respected and allowed to bring their witness to the church.  We were told all these things.

Perhaps the action of the Upper Iowa River Conference of the NE Iowa Synod is an aberration that will not see the floor of the 2010 NE Iowa Synod Assembly.  Perhaps it was just an ill-advised temper tantrum directed at those who cannot bring themselves to be silent about the votes taken at the 2009 Churchwide Assembly.  Perhaps it was many things, but it gives the very distinct impression that for some in the ELCA dissent against the new order will not be tolerated.  It gives the impression that unless you just keep your mouths shut about anything other than the agenda pushed by GoodSoil, LCNA and RIC in the ELCA as far as the Upper Iowa River Conference is concerned, you should be forced to resign any leadership role in the NE Iowa Synod.

It may be that the advocates of change are giving that last shove to those who said they wanted to stay in their church.  A shove that communicates the true feelings of the advocates of change, ‘you can have your opinions about where the ELCA is headed, you just can’t have any that disagree with us.’

4 Responses to “Some Consciences are More Equal than Others”

  1. March 11, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    This resolution is completely antithetical to what Lutherans Concerned stands for, and advocates for, in our efforts for full inclusion.

    Nothing in what we say, have said, or envision as a fully inclusive church involves excluding anyone for disagreeing with us. Ever.

    Visit http://www.lcna.org for a full understanding of what we are about and advocating for.

    Regardless of what sparked this resolution into existence, it is very un-Lutheran and should be rejected immediately as such. It certainly is nothing fostered or endorsed by Lutherans Concerned.

    Were it to be proposed to any assembly, we would advocate against it.

    It’s just very wrong. Very.

    • 2 Chrysostom
      March 12, 2010 at 6:51 pm

      I appreciate LCNA’s response to the resolution. While we may differ on the current debate in the ELCA, we can agree that resolutions such as this do nothing to resolve our differences.

  2. September 6, 2010 at 11:37 pm

    It is the inevitable consequence of giving credit to those on the far Left.

  3. 4 Tony M
    September 8, 2010 at 1:43 am

    Cedit…Left? What are you two discussing?

    The direction of the ELCA has been a one-side, one-way-or-the-highway takeover of 10,000 congregations, dozen of colleges, and millions in endowment. Why start a new church, denomination, or religion when you can just commandeer the hardwork and money of a generation past. There is no room for opposition – heck there isn’t even room for such crazy concepts as biblical inerrancy, virgin birth, or theology of the cross.

    I know I cannot really speak for the German-Seedish-Norwegian-American-Luteran farmers, professionals, and workers that built this church – BUT I am sure that they would not appreciate what we let happen by not minding the store.

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March 2010